App inventor receive strings

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Registrado: Dom Mar 13, 2022 10:04 am

App inventor receive strings

Mensajepor fernando » Dom Mar 13, 2022 10:23 am

Dear Mr. Juan Antonio

First of all, congratulations for your projects and tutorial, the best of App Inventor in all internet and have helping me a lot .
I tried to use your exemple :148.- Wemos D1 R32 ESP32. Obtiene humedad y temperatura por WiFi y lo presenta en LCD. to receive from arduino 2 informations: the device IP address and one string but I receive the following mesage:
Bad arguments to select list item .The operation select list item cannot accept the arguments.
I have been attached part of my scketch and app inventor blocks.
Could you please give me any idea how to solve the problem.
Thanks, best regards.
schetch.png (7.6 KiB) Visto 15667 veces
error message.png
error message.png (22.17 KiB) Visto 15667 veces
app_inventor.png (35.84 KiB) Visto 15667 veces

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