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Arduino en español
Circuitos con Arduino - Juan Antonio Villalpando

-- Tutorial de iniciación a Arduino --

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14B.- Módulo con 4 Display de 7 segmentos.

- Pantalla con 4 display de 7 segmentos.

- Los terminales son: VCC, SCLK, RCLK, DIO, GND.

- Alimentación de 3,3V a 5V.

- Este módulo funciona con el principio que indiqué en el tutorial anterior.

- Se van enviado los números y mediante los pulsos se enciende secuencialmente el display correspondiente.

- Códigos.

- Aquí muestro una recopilación de códigos, en cada uno de ellos se encuentra a qué terminales del Arduino debemos conectar los de este módulo.

SCLK = ShifClock.

RCLK = LatchClock.

DIO = DisplayOut

- En todos los códigos he adaptado esta configuración de terminales:

shiftClock = SCLK = 5
latchClock = RCLK = 6
displayOut = DIO = 7

Código 1

// TubeSevenSegment 1.05
// demo sketch controls 4 digit 7 segment display
// Unknown manufacturer - labelled "4-bit LED Digital Tube Module"
// timer interrupt version (previous were micros() controlled)
// 2015-05-09 by aarg
// 2015-05-11 add variable base print
// 2015-05-17 allow choice of two different internal timers

// choose system Timer1 or Timer2:
#define TIMER_USED 2

- display driver supports a decimal point attribute for each character. 
If bit 7 of the byte in the display buffer is set, the decimal point will be displayed.
- indexed display location. A pointer is set to the display location.
You can change the display buffer location just by changing the pointer, thus you can support multiple display "windows"
-improved numeric print function. Has range check and error display, also supports negative numbers -allows the use of delay() and other blocking code in loop() */ // extended character definitions: #define LETTER_G 16 #define LETTER_H 17 #define LETTER_J 18 #define LETTER_L 19 #define LETTER_P 20 #define LETTER_U 21 #define LETTER_SPACE 22 #define LETTER_MINUS 23 const byte numDigits = 4; // control pin definitions: int shiftClock = 5; //module pin label SCLK int latchClock = 6; //module pin label RCLK int displayOut = 7; //module pin label DIO // count variables: unsigned long previousCountUp = 0; // will store last time of count const long intervalCountUp = 200; // interval at which to count (milliseconds) unsigned long previousText = 0; // will store last time of count const int intervalOnText = 1000; // interval at which to count (milliseconds) const unsigned long intervalOffText = 8000; // interval at which to count (milliseconds) unsigned long intervalText = intervalOnText; // interval at which to count (milliseconds) unsigned long previousDecimalPoint = 0; // will store last time of count const int intervalDecimalPoint = 80; // interval at which to count (milliseconds) // demo variables byte PIGS[][numDigits] = { {LETTER_H, 0xE, LETTER_L, LETTER_P}, {LETTER_P, 1, LETTER_G, 5}, {LETTER_G, LETTER_U, LETTER_L, LETTER_P}, {LETTER_J, LETTER_U, LETTER_G, 5}, {LETTER_SPACE, 0, 0xf, LETTER_SPACE}, {5, LETTER_L, 0, LETTER_P} }; // standard way to set up a display buffer byte testDigits[numDigits] = {0}; byte* displayLocation = testDigits; int showText = 6; // overflow will reset to the first line of PIGS[] long charCount = 0xff00; // initial demo counter value void setup () { // configure outputs: pinMode(shiftClock, OUTPUT); pinMode(latchClock, OUTPUT); pinMode(displayOut, OUTPUT); //****************************** // timer code // Timer 1 - gives us the display segment refresh interval #if TIMER_USED == 1 TCCR1A = 0; // reset Timer 1 TCCR1B = 0; // TCCR1B = bit (WGM12) | bit (CS10) | bit (CS11); // configure as CTC mode // 16 MHz clock (62.5 nS per tick) - prescaled by 256 // counter increments every 16 µS. // There are 8 segments and 4 digits to scan every 1/60th of a second // so we count 32 of them at 60Hz, giving a display refresh interval of 512 µS. #define scanRateHz 120 // tested, maximum that works is 88 using Wire library and Serial #define displayScanCount 1000000L / numDigits / 8 / scanRateHz / 8 OCR1AH = displayScanCount / 256; // count up to 32 @ 60Hz OCR1AL = displayScanCount % 256; // count up to 32 @ 60Hz // Timer 1 - interrupt on match (ie. every segment refresh interval) TIMSK1 = bit (OCIE1A); // enable Timer1 Interrupt TCNT1H = 0; // counter to zero TCNT1L = 0; // counter to zero // Reset prescalers GTCCR = bit (PSRASY); // reset prescaler now // start Timer 1 TCCR1B = bit (WGM12) | bit (CS12); // configure as CTC mode #endif #if TIMER_USED == 2 // Timer 2 - gives us the display segment refresh interval TCCR2A = 0; // reset Timer 2 TCCR2B = 0; TCCR2A = bit (WGM21) ; // configure as CTC mode // 16 MHz clock (62.5 nS per tick) - prescaled by 256 // counter increments every 16 µS. // There are 8 segments and 4 digits to scan every 1/60th of a second // so we count 32 of them at 60Hz, giving a display refresh interval of 512 µS. #define scanRateHz 60 // tested, maximum that works is 88 using Wire library and Serial #define displayScanCount 1000000L / numDigits / 8 / scanRateHz / 16 OCR2A = displayScanCount; // count up to 32 @ 60Hz // Timer 2 - interrupt on match (ie. every segment refresh interval) TIMSK2 = bit (OCIE2A); // enable Timer2 Interrupt TCNT2 = 0; // counter to zero // Reset prescalers GTCCR = bit (PSRASY); // reset prescaler now // start Timer 2 TCCR2B = bit (CS21) | bit (CS22) ; // prescaler of 256 #endif // ***** end of timer setup ****************************** } // end of setup() void loop() { // no need to call the display scan routine, as it is timer driven // Here is some non-blocking test code... // // see if it's time to increment the counter unsigned long currentMillis = millis(); if (currentMillis - previousCountUp >= intervalCountUp) { previousCountUp = currentMillis; // actions to perform for this interval: if (++charCount > 10100) { charCount = -1010; } modulePrint(charCount, 10, testDigits); // modulePrint() can be used to display any valid integer value at any time. // So it could also display sensor readings or other information. } if (currentMillis - previousText >= intervalText) { previousText = currentMillis; // actions to perform for this interval: showText = ++showText % 7; if (showText == 6) { displayLocation = testDigits; intervalText = intervalOffText; } else { displayLocation = PIGS[showText]; intervalText = intervalOnText; } } if (currentMillis - previousDecimalPoint >= intervalDecimalPoint) { previousDecimalPoint = currentMillis; // actions to perform for this interval: for (int i = 0; i < numDigits; i++) { PIGS[showText % 6][random(4)] |= 0x80; PIGS[showText % 6][random(4)] &= 0x7f; } } } // end of loop() //*********************************************** // // display update ISR // // every time this routine is called, 16 bits are shifted into the display // and latched. // The first 8 bits is the segment data, and first 4 bits of the second byte are // the segment select. #if TIMER_USED == 1 ISR (TIMER1_COMPA_vect) #endif #if TIMER_USED == 2 ISR (TIMER2_COMPA_vect) #endif { // segment list to make a seven segment font const byte NUM_PLUS_SYMBOL_FONT[] = { 0b00111111, // 0 0b00000110, // 1 0b01011011, // 2 0b01001111, // 3 0b01100110, // 4 0b01101101, // 5 0b01111101, // 6 0b00000111, // 7 0b01111111, // 8 0b01101111, // 9 0b01110111, // A 0b01111100, // b 0b00111001, // C 0b01011110, // d 0b01111001, // E 0b01110001, // F 0b00111101, // (71) G 0b01110110, // (72) H 0b00011110, // (74) J 0b00111000, // (76) L 0b01110011, // (80) P 0b00111110, // (85) U 0b00000000, // (32) <space> 0b01000000, // (45) - }; static byte digit = 0; static byte segment = 0x80; byte tempDigit = displayLocation[digit]; // send segment data shiftOut(displayOut, shiftClock, MSBFIRST, ~(segment & ((NUM_PLUS_SYMBOL_FONT[tempDigit & 0x7f]) | (tempDigit & 0x80))) ); // send digit select data shiftOut(displayOut, shiftClock, MSBFIRST, 8 >> digit); // data is now in the display shift register, so latch to LEDs digitalWrite(latchClock, LOW); digitalWrite(latchClock, HIGH); // increment variables to select the next segment and possibly the next digit: // segment = segment >> 1; if (segment == 0) { segment = 0x80; digit++; if (digit >= numDigits) digit = 0; } } // *********** end of display update ISR ***************** // Print an integer to the display buffer. // Values between -xxx and xxxx will be displayed, // where xxx's are the number of digits that will fit for a given base, // else an error message. // void modulePrint(long val, byte base, byte* printLocation) { const byte HIGH_ERROR[numDigits] = {LETTER_H, 1, LETTER_G, LETTER_H}; const byte LOW_ERROR[numDigits] = {LETTER_MINUS, LETTER_L, 0, LETTER_MINUS}; long maxNegativeDigits = base; for (int i = 0; i < numDigits - 2; i++) maxNegativeDigits *= base; // validate number size for digits: if (val >= maxNegativeDigits * base) memcpy(printLocation, HIGH_ERROR, numDigits); //high number error message else if (val <= -maxNegativeDigits) memcpy(printLocation, LOW_ERROR, numDigits); //low number error message //negative number else if (val < 0) { // prepare first symbol to print when digits are exhausted boolean needsMinusSign = true; int posval = -val; //use the absolute value of the number for (int i = numDigits - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (posval > 0) printLocation[i] = posval % base; // digits to print else if (needsMinusSign) { printLocation[i] = LETTER_MINUS; // print one minus sign needsMinusSign = false; } else printLocation[i] = LETTER_SPACE; // the rest are spaces posval /= base; } } else // it is a positive number { for (int i = numDigits - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (val > 0 || i == numDigits - 1) printLocation[i] = val % base; // digits to print else printLocation[i] = LETTER_SPACE; // the rest are spaces val /= base; } } }


Código 2

// controls 4 digit 7 segment display
// test version 1
// 2015-04-22 by aarg

const byte numDigits = 4;
byte testDigit[numDigits];

// control pin definitions:
int shiftClock = 5; 
int latchClock = 6;
int DIO = 7;

void setup ()
// configure outputs:
pinMode(shiftClock, OUTPUT);
pinMode(latchClock, OUTPUT);
pinMode(DIO, OUTPUT);

for (int i = 0; i < numDigits; i++)
testDigit[i] = i;

void loop()
// any code in here that is non-blocking for more than the display
// refresh interval should not
// interfere with the display.

// non-blocking display update
// every time this routine is called, 16 bits are shifted into the display
// and latched.
// The first 8 bits is the segment data, and first 4 bits of the second byte are
// the segment select.

void displayUpdate(byte displayDigit[])
unsigned long lastDisplayUpdate;
const int scanRateHz = 60;
const int displayScanPeriod = 1000000L / numDigits / 8 / scanRateHz;

byte segmentList[] =
{ // 0123456789AbCdEF-
0xC0, 0xF9, 0xA4, 0xB0, 0x99, 0x92, 0x82, 0xF8, 0x80, 0x90, 0x8C, 0xBF, 0xC6, 0xA1, 0x86, 0xFF, 0xbf

static byte digit = 0;
static byte segment = 0x80;

if (micros() - lastDisplayUpdate > displayScanPeriod)

// send segment data
for (byte i = 8; i >= 1; i--)
if ( i & (~segment | segmentList[displayDigit[digit]]) != 0)
digitalWrite(DIO, HIGH);
digitalWrite(DIO, LOW);

// send digit select data
for (byte i = 0; i < 8; i++)
if (i == digit)
digitalWrite(DIO, HIGH);
digitalWrite(DIO, LOW);

// data is now in the display shift register, so latch to LEDs

// increment variables to select the next segment and possibly the next digit:
segment = segment >> 1;
if (segment == 0)
segment = 0x80;

if (digit >= numDigits)
digit = 0;

// reset timer for next update:
lastDisplayUpdate = micros();
// else just return without doing anything

void bitClock()
digitalWrite(shiftClock, LOW);
digitalWrite(shiftClock, HIGH);

void latchData()
digitalWrite(latchClock, LOW);
digitalWrite(latchClock, HIGH);


Código 3
#define SCLK 5 
#define RCLK 6     
#define DIO 7    
byte digitBuffer[4];
void setup(){  
  pinMode(RCLK, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(SCLK, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(DIO, OUTPUT);  

void loop(){  
  digitBuffer[0] = 1; 
  digitBuffer[1] = 2;
  digitBuffer[2] = 3;
  digitBuffer[3] = 4;

void showDisplay(){
  const byte digit[10] = { 
      0b11000000, // 0
      0b11111001, // 1
      0b10100100, // 2
      0b10110000, // 3
      0b10011001, // 4
      0b10010010, // 5
      0b10000010, // 6
      0b11111000, // 7
      0b10000000, // 8
      0b10010000, // 9 

  const byte chr[4] = { 

  for(byte i = 0; i <= 3; i++){ 
    digitalWrite(RCLK, LOW); 
      shiftOut(DIO, SCLK, MSBFIRST, digit[digitBuffer[i]]);  
      shiftOut(DIO, SCLK, MSBFIRST, chr[i]);  
    digitalWrite(RCLK, HIGH); 


Código 4
#define SCLK 5 
#define RCLK 6
#define DIO 7

byte digits[5] = {
byte i = 0;
boolean dp = 0; 

const byte digit[] = {
0b11000000, // 0
0b11111001, // 1
0b10100100, // 2
0b10110000, // 3
0b10011001, // 4
0b10010010, // 5
0b10000010, // 6
0b11111000, // 7
0b10000000, // 8
0b10010000, // 9
0b11111111, // 

byte chr[] = { 
unsigned long moneyTime = 0;
unsigned long showTime = 0; 
unsigned long dpTime = 0; 
int money = 0;

void setup() {
pinMode(RCLK, OUTPUT);
pinMode(SCLK, OUTPUT);
pinMode(DIO, OUTPUT);

void loop() {
if (millis() - moneyTime > 20) { 
if (money > 9999) money = 0;
moneyTime = millis();

if (millis() - dpTime > 500) {
dp = !dp;
dpTime = millis();

if (millis() - showTime > 1) {
showTime = millis();

void showDisplay(int v) {
digits[3] = v % 10; 
v = v / 10; digits[2] = v % 10;
v = v / 10; digits[1] = v % 10;
v = v / 10; digits[0] = v % 10;
if (digits[0] == 0)digits[0] = 10;
if (digits[0] == 10 & digits[1] == 0) digits[1] = 10;
if (digits[0] == 10 & digits[1] == 10 & digits[2] == 0) digits[2] = 10;

digitalWrite(RCLK, LOW); 
shiftOut(DIO, SCLK, MSBFIRST, (i == 1 && dp) ? digit[digits[i]] - 128 : digit[digits[i]]);
shiftOut(DIO, SCLK, MSBFIRST, chr[i]); 
digitalWrite(RCLK, HIGH); 
if (i > 3) i = 0;


Código 5
 * Sketch derived from http://www.vcc2gnd.com/2014/08/8-digit-numeric-display-module-with_4.html
 * for
 * Banggood 4 x 7-Segment Display Module w/ 74HC595 Shift Registers
 * http://www.banggood.com/2Pcs-4-Bits-Digital-Tube-LED-Display-Module-Board-With-Clock-p-944244.html
#define RCLK 6
#define SCLK 5
#define DIO 7
#define SHOW_DOT 127 #define ALL_DIGIT 255 #define SPACE 255 /* bit pattern array (bit is inverted for common anode) +-a-+ f b +-g-+ e c +-d-+ (h) */ byte maps[ 16 ] = { //hgfedcba 0b11000000, // 0 0b11111001, // 1 0b10100100, // 2 0b10110000, // 3 0b10011001, // 4 0b10010010, // 5 0b10000010, // 6 0b11111000, // 7 0b10000000, // 8 0b10010000, // 9 0b10001000, // A 0b10000011, // b 0b11000110, // C 0b10100001, // d 0b10000110, // E 0b10001110 // F }; // Send Data to dual 74HC595 shift register void update2x595( byte digit, byte value ) { digitalWrite( RCLK, LOW ); // Second register output as segment pattern // connected with cathode pins shiftOut( DIO, SCLK, MSBFIRST, value ); // update data // First register output to select digit (as mask), // connected with corresponding anode pin shiftOut( DIO, SCLK, MSBFIRST, digit ); // select digit(s) digitalWrite( RCLK, HIGH ); } //function to display 4-digit hex value (right justified) void d4_hex( unsigned long value ) { boolean nonBlank = true; byte dMask = 1; while( dMask > 0 ) { update2x595( dMask, nonBlank ? maps[ ((byte)value) & 15 ] : SPACE ); if( nonBlank ) { value >>= 4; nonBlank = value > 0; } dMask <<= 1; } } //function to display 4-digit dec value (right justified) void d4_dec( unsigned long value ){ boolean nonBlank = true; byte dMask = 1; while( dMask > 0 ) { update2x595( dMask, nonBlank ? maps[ value % 10 ] : SPACE ); if( nonBlank ) { value /= 10; nonBlank = value > 0; } dMask <<= 1; } } const byte incDelay = 32; byte incCtr = incDelay; unsigned long vInc = 0; void setup() { pinMode( RCLK, OUTPUT ); pinMode( SCLK, OUTPUT ); pinMode( DIO, OUTPUT ); update2x595( ALL_DIGIT, SPACE ); } void loop() { d4_dec( vInc ); delay( 8 ); if( --incCtr == 0 ) { vInc++; incCtr = incDelay; } /* d4_hex( vInc ); delay( 8 ); if( --incCtr == 0 ) { vInc++; incCtr = incDelay; }*/ }


Código 6
unsigned char LED_0F[] = 
{// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A b C d E F -
unsigned char LED[4];
int SCLK = 5;
int RCLK = 6;
int DIO = 7; 
void setup ()
void loop()
LED4_Display ();


void LED4_Display (void)
unsigned char *led_table; 
unsigned char i;

led_table = LED_0F + LED[0];
i = *led_table;

led_table = LED_0F + LED[1];
i = *led_table;

led_table = LED_0F + LED[2];
i = *led_table;

led_table = LED_0F + LED[3];
i = *led_table;

void LED_OUT(unsigned char X)
unsigned char i;
if (X&0x80) 


Código 7
written by Jason Berger ,arduinoall, ?.?????
reedited by Phaisarn Te. @060614

8-Digit 7-Segment display driver.
2x 74HC595 wired to 2x 4-digit 7-segment displays
bits 0-7 select a digit
bits 8-14 A-G

char disp_c[8] ;

const int SCLK_pin= 5; const int RCLK_pin= 6; const int DIO_pin = 7; // 0-9 --> 0-9 // 0.-9. --> 10-19 // space --> ' ' // A-Z, a-z --> 'A' 'B' ... 'a' 'b' int disp[8]; //time values for delay workaround unsigned long prev =0; unsigned long waitMS=0; void setup() { pinMode(RCLK_pin,OUTPUT); pinMode(DIO_pin,OUTPUT); pinMode(SCLK_pin,OUTPUT); showText('O','P','E','N'); } int n; unsigned long start=millis(); byte b = 0; void loop() { showDisplay(); if(b==0){ b++; wait(3000); } else{ if ( millis() > (prev + waitMS)) { //code to loop in here showText((n/1000)%10,(n/100)%10+10,(n/10)%10,n%10); n++; if(n>10000) { n=0; } wait(1000); } } } void showText(char a, char b , char c,char d){ disp_c[0] = d; disp_c[1] = c; disp_c[2] = b; disp_c[3] = a; } void showDisplay() { setDisp(); for(int i=0; i<8; i++) { setDigit(i,disp[i]); } } void setDigit(int dig, int character) { int digits[]= { 128,64,32,16,8,4,2,1 }; //character set (0-9)0-9 // (10-19)0.-9. // (20-45)A-Z // (46-71)a-z // (72)- (73) space int characters[]= { 3,159,37,13,153,73,65,31,1,9, 2,158,36,12,152,72,64,30,0,8, 17,1,99,3,97,113,67,145,243,135,145,227,85,19,3,49,25,115,73,31,129,129,169,145,137,37, 5,193,229,133,33,113,9,209,247,143,81,227,85,213,197,49,25,245,73,225,199,199,169,145,137,37, 253,255 }; digitalWrite(RCLK_pin, LOW); shiftOut(DIO_pin, SCLK_pin, LSBFIRST, characters[character]); shiftOut(DIO_pin, SCLK_pin, LSBFIRST, digits[dig]); digitalWrite(RCLK_pin, HIGH); } void setDisp() { for (int i=0; i<8;i++) { int val = disp_c[i]; if((val >= 32)&&(val <= 47)){ switch (val){ case 45 : val = 72; break; default : val = 73; break; } } else if((val >= 48)&&(val <= 57)) //0-9 { val -= 48; } else if((val >= 65)&&(val <= 90)) //A-Z { val -= 45; } else if((val >= 97)&&(val <= 122)) //a-z { val -= 51; } disp[i] = val; } } void wait( unsigned long milsec) { prev = millis(); waitMS = milsec; }



- El Arduino envía una palabra de 16 bits en serie hacia los dos controladores 74HC595.

- La parte alta de esa palabra (8 bits más significativos) activan a nivel BAJO a los segmentos ".gfedcba", es decir cada uno enciende si le llega nivel bajo.

- La parta baja de esa palabra (4 bits menos significativos) selecciona a uno de los 4 display, se selecciona cuando cada uno tiene el nivel bajo.
- Los otros 4 bits más altos, que quedan para formar los 8, no se utilizan.

Send 16-bit word serial messages for the two 74hc595 controllers.
High byte = segments ".gfedcba" active low.
Lowest 4 bits of low byte selects digit(s) to display.
High 4 bits = don't care
Send bit 15 first, bit 0 last. Clock each data bit on DIO with a positive SCLK edge.
After 16 bits are clocked in, latch with a positive edge on RCLK.

If daisy-chaining, 16 bits per module, then RCLK edge.
Proceed to next digit. Look at avg 5ms per digit or less, to give a steady display. RCLK and SCLK only cares about rising edges, not levels.
Typically, you will lower RCLK at start of a word, place a bit on DIO and then give SCLK a high pulse.

When all 16 bits are done - raise RCLK again.
Adjust for number of segments. A "1" will be much brighter than a "8" with same delay. 1ms per displayed segment in a digit is a good starting value.
Example: write 12.34 word0: 11111001 00001000 ; segments "1", digit 3, no decimal point,
delay=2ms word1: 00100100 00000100 ; segments "2", digit 2, with decimal point, delay=6ms word2: 10110000 00000010 ;

segments "3", digit 1, no decimal point, delay=5ms word3: 10011001 00000001 ; segments "4", digit 0, no decimal point, delay=4ms
For small microcontrollers, I suggest lookup tables for both segment encoding and delay. Add one to delay if decimal point is used on that digit.




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