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Arduino en español
Circuitos con Arduino - Juan Antonio Villalpando

-- Tutorial de iniciación a Arduino --

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105.- Arduino Shield Yun. Bridge.

Vamos a cargar programas con el Bridge.

- Bridge

- Estoy utilizando: IDE 1.6.7, Arduino UNO chino con CH340, Shield Yun Iduino.

- Fíjate que el Sketch se carga por Wifi, no por USB.
(Con el Leonardo o con el Arduino Yun en placa, también se puede cargar por USB)

- Si sale el error: "Could not connect to YunServer 146 Connection refused"

probablemente será que el controlador USB no está desconectado, en los casos de Arduino uno y Mega con el Shield.

- Así que en este caso el controlador USB debe estar desconectado.

- Cargamos el Bridge
- Lo podemos encontrar en Archivo / Ejemplos / Bridge / Bridge

- En mi caso funciona pero es muy lento, muchas veces no devuelve el mensaje de set.

- Vamos a un navegador web y escribimos:

Se encenderá el LED13

Se apagará el LED13

Después de encender o apagar contestará con un mensaje de...

Pin D13 set to 1/0

  Arduino Yún Bridge example

  This example for the Arduino Yún shows how to use the
  Bridge library to access the digital and analog pins
  on the board through REST calls. It demonstrates how
  you can create your own API when using REST style
  calls through the browser.

  Possible commands created in this shetch:

  "/arduino/digital/13"     -> digitalRead(13)
  "/arduino/digital/13/1"   -> digitalWrite(13, HIGH)
  "/arduino/analog/2/123"   -> analogWrite(2, 123)
  "/arduino/analog/2"       -> analogRead(2)
  "/arduino/mode/13/input"  -> pinMode(13, INPUT)
  "/arduino/mode/13/output" -> pinMode(13, OUTPUT)

  This example code is part of the public domain



#include <Bridge.h>
#include <BridgeServer.h>
#include <BridgeClient.h>

// Listen to the default port 5555, the Yún webserver
// will forward there all the HTTP requests you send
BridgeServer server;

void setup() {
  // Bridge startup
  pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(13, LOW);
  digitalWrite(13, HIGH);

  // Listen for incoming connection only from localhost
  // (no one from the external network could connect)

void loop() {
  // Get clients coming from server
  BridgeClient client = server.accept();

  // There is a new client?
  if (client) {
    // Process request

    // Close connection and free resources.

  delay(50); // Poll every 50ms

void process(BridgeClient client) {
  // read the command
  String command = client.readStringUntil('/');

  // is "digital" command?
  if (command == "digital") {

  // is "analog" command?
  if (command == "analog") {

  // is "mode" command?
  if (command == "mode") {

void digitalCommand(BridgeClient client) {
  int pin, value;

  // Read pin number
  pin = client.parseInt();

  // If the next character is a '/' it means we have an URL
  // with a value like: "/digital/13/1"
  if (client.read() == '/') {
    value = client.parseInt();
    digitalWrite(pin, value);
  } else {
    value = digitalRead(pin);

  // Send feedback to client
  client.print(F("Pin D"));
  client.print(F(" set to "));

  // Update datastore key with the current pin value
  String key = "D";
  key += pin;
  Bridge.put(key, String(value));

void analogCommand(BridgeClient client) {
  int pin, value;

  // Read pin number
  pin = client.parseInt();

  // If the next character is a '/' it means we have an URL
  // with a value like: "/analog/5/120"
  if (client.read() == '/') {
    // Read value and execute command
    value = client.parseInt();
    analogWrite(pin, value);

    // Send feedback to client
    client.print(F("Pin D"));
    client.print(F(" set to analog "));

    // Update datastore key with the current pin value
    String key = "D";
    key += pin;
    Bridge.put(key, String(value));
  } else {
    // Read analog pin
    value = analogRead(pin);

    // Send feedback to client
    client.print(F("Pin A"));
    client.print(F(" reads analog "));

    // Update datastore key with the current pin value
    String key = "A";
    key += pin;
    Bridge.put(key, String(value));

void modeCommand(BridgeClient client) {
  int pin;

  // Read pin number
  pin = client.parseInt();

  // If the next character is not a '/' we have a malformed URL
  if (client.read() != '/') {

  String mode = client.readStringUntil('\r');

  if (mode == "input") {
    pinMode(pin, INPUT);
    // Send feedback to client
    client.print(F("Pin D"));
    client.print(F(" configured as INPUT!"));

  if (mode == "output") {
    pinMode(pin, OUTPUT);
    // Send feedback to client
    client.print(F("Pin D"));
    client.print(F(" configured as OUTPUT!"));

  client.print(F("error: invalid mode "));


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